Keeping burglars out of your homes has always been our objective

Many people look after the security of their cars better than their homes. You would never think of leaving your parked car with the windows open or the door unlocked. However, many people often forget to lock their front doors and leave a window open “to air their home”.

These open windows are like a “green flag” to a potential burglar, because it draws his attention to your apartment or house and when the front door is not locked then “welcome in”!!! We all need to be more vigilant and flexible in order to change our habits and to reduce crime.

Some 22 years ago Security Alarms refined the development of an infrasonic alarm Alerte Rouge which detects an intruder at the moment when he forces a door or breaks a window. The alarm detects and dissuades the burglar when he is on the outside of your home and not when he is inside. And 9½ times out of 10, he leaves the premises immediately ; no burglary.

Call Security Alarms on 021-808 75 27 for further information.